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Bay Area Classes

Tuesday Class:  Walnut Creek

Where: Congregation B'nai Tikvah

               25 Hillcroft Way

               Walnut Creek, CA  94597


When:   Every Tuesday (ongoing)       Time:   1:00 - 2:30


Fee:      $10/class - no charge for care partners


Park in the lot.  There is disabled parking to the left, where you will see a few green doors .  The green door furthest to the right leads in to our  room, with a ramp.  If you do not need the disabled entrance, come in the main entrance.  Our room is to your left.


Pre-registration suggested:  Contact Debbie Sternbach  510-653-8362

Friday Class:  Emeryville

The John Argue Method

This class is appropriate for both independently mobile individuals as well as those using mobility aids.

Where: 3990 Harlan Street  (off 40th)

               Bridgecourt Room

               Emeryville, CA 94608


When:   Every Friday (ongoing)       Time:   12:00 - 1:30


Fee:       Classes are free*


*All students must join the Emeryville Senior Center:

               $10/year for Emeryville residents

               $20/year for non-Emeryville residents


Pre-registration suggested:  Call the Emeryville Senior Center

 (510) 596-3730.  Say you want to register for:

 the "Parkinson's Dance Class."  Drop-ins accepted.


Questions/Information:  Contact Debbie Sternbach  510-653-8362


Directions:     Coming from Ashby Ave. on San Pablo Ave.


Continue on San Pablo, toward Emeryville. Turn RIGHT on to 40th.


Go past the first stoplight, which is Emery St. (Baskin Robbins to left)


Take your next left.  This is a small street called HARLAN.


You will see the Bridgecourt Apartment buildings.

You will see a low, red building to your left with a sign “Rent This Space."

This is the Bridgecourt Building.  Park in the lot.


Directions:     Coming from Oakland on San Pablo Ave.


Continue on San Pablo, toward Emeryville. Turn LEFT on to 40th.


Continue by following the directions above.

Emeryville Senior Center:   510-596-3730

“Together, we build Community through quality programs and services.”

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